
They say death is the greatest adventure

The end in which no one wants to venture

We  live and know it’s not forever

Our lives, spent hoping to stay for longer

But if one of those we love goes and leave us for good

The sorrow it brings is never understood

Life is such that our time is never certain

We try our best to make the memories before we close the curtain

There is no other recourse  but to move on

And remember the good times when it was fun

We don’t want anyone to feel the sadness

Just a reminder to enjoy the moments of wellness

Love who you love, and those who love you

So you won’t regret or lose time to do

May there be peace as they are put to rest

Let there be comfort to the ones that are left

You will forever be in our hearts

Always remembered even if it hurts

Peter Hill



My Roman Holiday


The second leg of this trip brought us to Rome for 3 days.



I went on and did a little Angel’s and Demon’s tour. Castel Sant’ Angelo


A Bernini Fountain, Fontana del Tritone.


Inside the Pantheon



Had to run a few blocks to see this before the church closes, The Ecstasy of St. Teresa by Bernini


Piazza Navona



Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo


The original Pieta by  Michelangelo inside St. Peter’s Basilica.


And of course to another country,  The Vatican


My True North

Like a magnet,  I follow your every direction.

I may be taken to different locations, spun like a top or whatever motion.

I always go back to where you are.

I follow you just like the star.

You can move to random places, no one has ever been.

You will be found, for my true north I’ve seen.

I’m lured by you, my true north, my true north.

I can’t help myself, I slip when I fight it.

I may stray, and go the opposite way.

Then come around, like the sun roams the day.

I have no choice but to stay true

Till I get to you, my true north.

I’m so into  you, my true north.
Continue reading

Surviving Happiness

I had a conversation with a group of friends, about drinking by myself. Some of them think I’m crazy. Well, maybe I am.. I am my favorite companion. I believe that if you cannot be happy alone, you will never be happy. So every once in a while, I sit back, and have a beer or two by myself not really expecting anything, just sit and take whatever comes. If you allow yourself to take a break, you would notice more of your surroundings. No matter what it is, you can pick-out the details and appreciate it more. It could be nature, structure, or people. Who knows, you might not end up drinking alone after all. I drink for refreshment, and no other reason. The rest is just coincidence. Continue reading

For Far Too Long

All the years just passed me like the sunset

I watch the days as they inch away

As it slowly disappears , I can no longer lose sight

I have to be with you every day and night.

I’m counting all the seconds, as they are never wasted

It is the only thing I’m sure I’ve ever wanted

For far too long.

For far too long, the only love I’ve known

For far too long, the only love I’ve known.

The uncertainty is killing me, anticipating how it will be

What choice have I got, but to be sure every day’s the last.

I wish for this song to go on and on

But it’s taking time away from us being alone.

I will do all I can to make the days slower

I’m buying the next ten years and hopefully over.

The past years were so wonderful

The coming ones, better, I’m hopeful.

This was all I wanted from the start

For far too long, we shall never part.

For far too long, the only love I’ve known

For far too long, the only love I’ve known.

Happy Anniversary !!! my lovely.

Peter Hill



Back to Writing Songs


Been writing about so many other things.

I’ve almost forgotten how it was to sing.

My mind has been totally out of line.

It’s probably a phase, I’ll be just fine.

Now I’m back to writing more songs.

This I feel is where I belong.

It”s hard for me to find my rhythm.

Songs about love will be among them.

I try, and try to no avail.

This again is where I would fail.

I need your help for some inspiration.

Tell me, what it is that gives you motivation.

It may not be the best I fear

But it will  always be yours, my love, my dear.

Peter Hill